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CONSCIOUS SEDATION is a sedative anesthesia made from a combination of medicines that help you relax and block pain during a medical, or dental procedure. 


This induced state of sedation is characterized by a minimally depressed consciousness such that the patient can continuously and independently breathe, retain protective reflexes, and remain responsive to verbal commands and physical stimulation.


It can be administered in 2 ways, or use a combination of both: Medicines (pills), or Nitrous Oxide (N20). 

Image by Laurent Yasiel
At the Dentist
Doctor Check-Up
Image by Kamal Hoseinianzade
Tooth Exam
Smiling Mature Man
At Henao Dental, we provide advanced treatment options for routine dental care needs and emergencies.
  • Is conscious sedation safe?
    Nitrous Oxide is safe to use for long periods of time mixed with oxygen (O2). Hence, the “laughing gas” used now is called N2O-O2 and contains at least 30% oxygen as permitted. Usually, the mix is about 70% oxygen to 30% nitrous oxide.
  • How does conscious sedation work?
    Depending on the concentration and length of administration, four levels of sedation can be experienced after an initial feeling of light-headedness: a tingling sensation especially in the arms and legs, or a feeling of vibration, quickly followed by warm sensations, and a feeling of well-being, euphoria and/or floating. During heavier sedation, hearing may dissolve into a constant, electronic-like throbbing. At a deeper level of sedation again, sleepiness, difficulty to keep one’s eyes open, or speak can occur.
  • How is it administered?
    The equipment used for delivering this “happy gas” is quite simple consisting of a supply of compressed gases and an apparatus that delivers the gases to the patient. By turning some knobs and flipping on/off switches, the administrator can produce the desired mix of N2O-O2 in the desired quantities. Flowmeters and pressure gauges allow the administrator to keep an eye on the flow of gases. The desired N2O-O2 mix is fed through a tube to which a nasal hood or cannula is attached. This hood is put over your nose for breathing. It's simple, safe and very comfortable!
  • How do I know if conscious sedation is for me?
    Because you have to breathe it in through your nose, N2O is not suitable for people who have a cold, or some other condition that prevents them from breathing through the nose. You can’t be allergic to N2O. It’s also safe to use if you suffer from epilepsy, liver disease, heart disease, diabetes, or cerebrovascular disease. For more information Dr. Gabriel Henao is available to answer all of your questions in detail as per your specific health condition.
Contact Us


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Service Hours

Monday/Wednesday/Saturday: 9AM - 2PM 

Tuesday:  9AM – 6PM 

Thursday: 9AM - 6PM 

Friday: 9AM - 2PM 

Clinic Location

25044 Peachland Ave, Suite 100

Newhall, CA 91321

661 287 4352

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